The objects created by Ruralista are made by a group of craftsmen from the central part of México called “The Bajio”. This cooperative is mainly focusing on the creation of handcraft. “We love the act of transforming a material with ancient tools, as well as bringing the value and the free will of human kind. We use our strength and our sensibility by translating all needs people have while creating pieces of art.”
Ruralista is one of the result of Rossenham’s research project which tends to theorize, idealize and materialize new forms. It is up to us to understand, transform and reinterpret them in a different context. The essence of Rossenham’s project is based on the process of creation through anthropological, ethical, psychological and sociological facts.
Mezcalera Caraffe H 21cm - Ø 17cm
Mezcalera glasses H 7cm - Ø 8cm
Caraffe H25cm - Ø 15cm
Small Glass H 9cm -Ø 6cm
Tall Glass H 14cm - Ø 7cm
Terracota color